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Highlights of the Sixth Degree Lessons



How many times have you asked a question, only to be told, “Well, that’s one of life’s great mysteries.” Regrettably, all too often organized religion falls into this trap when faced with a question. A lot of people like mysteries. They have their place — in the entertainment industry — not in your life. By becoming an Astarian you have already demonstrated you don’t want to play detective with your life — you want answers! Yet some would have you sleuthing from one clue to the next, never really grasping the entire picture. The purpose of the Sixth Degree, as with all previous Lessons you have so faithfully studied, is to eliminate those mysteries. After all, Astara has spent more than 50 years researching (a form of detective work itself) for you. For the individual it would take years just to uncover the spiritual clues to a few Lesson topics. Like the good detective, you’ve still got to work hard at what you do. But the answers are here, in the Lessons, for you. So take the time today to renew your studies by entering the Sixth Degree. And leave the

detective work to others.


Lessons 1 and 2, Lessons in Self Philosophy —PARTs I and II: Your journey begins with a brief view of an initiation in the Great Pyramid and discovery of “your path.” You will delve into whether initiation ceremonies performed on the Other Side can be remembered in this life. Discover the mystery of the ethers. Travel to where eternity began. Experience baptism in the Aquarian Age. See how to be your own judge and the value of the study

group. Learn the silent scream and unveil the secrets of mother nature. Hourney the path that shows why' living may be hazardous to your health" Awaken your cosmic broadcasting system. Examine the "You" trinity and your auric armor of light. Learn the Yoga Complete Breath. Become involved in the Astarian cosmic affirmation through a special mantrum. Discover the true strength of word power. You will close this Lesson with the eight steps in formula.


Lesson 3, Out of the Shadows and into the Sun, and Lesson 4, Purifying the Physical Temple: Travel the path to purification necessary for both better spiritual advancement and sharper mental outlook. See what steps must be taken to prolong life and why they are necessary. Examine the causes of our carnal appetite. Review the epochs of history. Travel to the time of the division of the tribes. Experience the divine balance and the miracle of manna and quails. Discover whether you were once an animal. See why you are not your body. Learn the factors in favor of vegetarianism. View the diminishing animal kingdom. Feel the refined vibration of fruits and vegetables. See how your blood can be a river of Light or a swamp of sewage. See the connection between animal protein and war and violence. Learn of the cosmic fame- the tell tale torch. Discover the final path to purification.


Lesson 5, Creating a new "You-niver", and Lesson 6, To Meat or not to Meat: You begin by learning how to be true to yourself with a complete self-analyzation. Discover the master crafter within you. Then embark upon creating that new "you". View the three great vibratory forces that can be put to good use in creating a different life. You will travel this path with a program of nine easy steps. Examine the body's aura, its flow and what decreases this flow. Compare the three classes of vegetarians and the value of nutritional healing instead of drugs. See why some have or develop a personal aversion to meat. Develop your own program for regeneration- regardless of your age! Discover why you are your own keeper and how to avert somatico-psychic ailments. Open the balanced-being path and feel the magnetism of the new you.


Lesson 7, The "You" Laboratory, and Lesson 8, Guidelines towards Vegetarianism: You will see the magic of raw food magnets and the secret power of plants. discover why nature is your best doctor and healer. examine whether your health problems could be caused by meat eating. Travel in search of your youth-glow and learn why it left. Visit with Dr. Bircher-Benner's revolutionary clinic. See the secret magic of light food. Examine the raw food diet. Compare the healing crisis with the disease crisis. See why vegetarianism is now easy. Experience the winning ways of walking. Learn of the new type of human being. See if you can live on air alone. do vegetarians exhibit better health and longevity? Discover the link between vegetarianism and spirituality. Examine America's falling health standard.


Lesson 9, What Makes us Sick and What Makes us Tick, and Lesson 10, Akasa, The Holy Breath and Prana: Your journey makes a protein stop here as you learn the complete story of its value, ones need for it and the best sources of it. From there you enter the respiratory system and you ponder the universal mystery of breathing. Discover how respiratory functioning can be improved through four types of breathing. Learn the skills of akasa, prana and mind control.


Lesson 11, Surya Namaskar- A Technique in solar Vitalization, and Lesson 12, salutation to the Sun: Travel back 6,000 years to sun worship at Carnac, France. View the sun as the ultimate symbol of light. Learn the five basic aspects of Surya Namaskar. See the relationship between the sun and your various physiological systems. Discover in the step by step instructions and illustrations the 12 different movements of Surya Namaskar and the accompanied mantras. See how Shavasana works.


Lesson 13 and 14, The protein Problem Solved- Parts I and II: Examine the marvelous healing pwer of seeds, including 12 ailments sunflower seeds are believed to benefit. See the value in corn, grains and yeast. Experience the healthfulness of nuts, beans and other non-meat protein foods. Discover a program of safely changing your diet to include all that you need while eliminating all that could be harmful.


Lesson 15, The First Initiation, and Lesson 16, Regeneration and Sustained Youth: See why you are the great adventure and experience what Penetralia is really all about. Visit the tru Mother and Father. eamine Astara's link to the Ancient Mysteries. See what makes up your "Inner Self". Learn of "Ka", "Aumakua" and "Ba". Experience the first initiation. Review Shaktipat and its relationship to past karma. See the sacred link between devotee and Ancien Wisdom. Learn how to clear remaining karma and what happens when kundalini is awakened. Discover why only a few are chosen and the types of bondage. Examine the secret science of yoga. Learn of the mudras and asanas and their pruose. Experience the benefits of the headstand, dervish whirl, obilisk and bridge. See in great detail the pluses /and minuses to celibacy.


Lesson 17 and 18, Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Consciousness- Parts I and II: You will travel to the ancient Order of Melchizedek. Discover the need for complete perfection-physical, mental, psychic and spiritual. View the diamond cross. Learn of the seven typse of yoga, the purpose of each and their techniques. See why true meditation means withdrawal from the senses. See how Lhama Yoga changes the body. The remainder of these two Lessons offer you a yoga "handbook" with fascinating descriptions, instructions and photographs.



Additional topics in the Sixth Degree studies include the Secret Science of Sound, Techniques for the Initiates and Self Mastery for the Astarian Initiate. As you can see, there is no need to rely just on “clues” to get you through the mysteries of life. By continuation of your studies into the Sixth Degree you will show you are not satisfied just to be another detective. The Sixth Degree grabs you off the sidelines and gets you involved.

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