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Highlights of the Fifth Degree Lessons




The birth of many of our “modern sciences” — astronomy, medicine, chemistry — is often dated in the Dark Ages. This was a time when brilliant people,

fearful of scorn, were forced to work in obscurity with the crudest tools. Today the modern scientist is held in the highest regard with millions of dollars poured into research. To many the Dark Ages were seen as the storm before an enlightened age. Today may be no different. As a student of the Degree Lessons you too are a scientist. And it is quite possible you’ve kept your work to yourself, afraid of attracting unfavorable attention to your “unorthodox beliefs.” But you have a tremendous advantage over those early “modern scientists.” You have available the Degree Lessons. These are your laboratory tools. The day will come when metaphysical science is regarded on the same level as modern science. And you’ll be ready. But just like modern science, the researcher can never stop investigating and learning or will fall behind. That’s why continued study of the Degree Lessons is so important. Keep yourself up to date!


LESSON 2, THE SIGHT AND SOUNDS OF LOVE, and LESSON 3, LOOSING THE SEALS OF SILENCE: Experience love’s harmony and why real love cannot ever be hidden. Learn what makes love die. See how music “stirs the soul” and what a true marriage really is. Discover the true love match and how long a soul mate marriage really lasts. Travel the ever widening boundaries of true love and learn to beautify your astral body. Learn why you must make your own decisions and the value now of spiritual knowledge. Travel to the beginnings of spiritualism and discover who is capable of automatic writing. Examine the fascinating “Spirit Teachings.” See whether truth is always accepted with open arms. Learn why you cannot believe every spirit and see what life — both here and Overthere — is really for.


In eternity then is always time for love and love’s fulfllment. In love, a thousand years are as a day.


LESSON 4, ACROSS THE BORDERLINE, and LESSON 5, THRESHOLD OF THE UNKNOWN: You will examine the ancient battle between priest and prophet and whether ritual can produce divine communion. See whether Pilgrims Overthere really know all. Discover why spiritual truth can be rejected and just what a medium is. Learn of a fraud’s “win to lose” routine. Are all psychics spiritual? Discover why psychic powers can be used or abused by choice. See if angels laugh and what remains the same after death. See if your expansion of consciousness continues after earth life. Travel to the antiworld. Compare different religious teachings for similarities. Examine how Jesus spent his earth time. Learn to send out a prayer request and view several physical signs of psychic force. You will be given rules for the beginning psychic and learn why empathy is a “must.”


LESSON 6, PSYCHIC PHENOMENA IN THE AQUARIAN AGE, and LESSON 7, THE SCIENCE BEHIND MIRACLES: discover the real reason for the need of miracles and whether you can give what you don't have. Travel to the source of your Inner Light. See how the High Call brings forth high answers. Learn if all in Etheria want contact with us and what you will have to unlearn Overthere. View psychic energy and who has an enlightened soul. Visit with Poltergeists. Travel to when humans first knew of spiritual veings and see how psychic communication occurs. Discover how your body is a physiological battery and the role of electromagnetism in communication. Listen to how they communicate in Etheria.


LESSONS 8 and 9, THE PHENOMENA OF TRANCE — PARTS I and II: Examine types of trance and whether we learn as we sleep. See when your mind is most receptive and the differences between catalepsy and death. Visit with a Samadhi. Learn why spiritual attainment is the highest aspiration and whether psychic ad spiritual qualities are inborn. See a mystic magnetic stake. Is psychic phenomena presented in the Bible? Examine the dangers of tobacco, alcohol and drugs to the aura and spiritual development. Experience the reaction of meditation and the ental requirements to acheive the trance state. Learn to seperate the real from the imagined in trance. Discover the secret of attaining illumination during sleep and the type of daily life that leads to enlightenment. Visit the positive aspects of Nirvana.


LESSONS 10 and 11, THE SCIENCE OF SOUL TRAVEL — PARTS I and II: Your Journey becomes two fold as you examine the differences between trance and astral projection and learn the practical aids to sould fight. You will discover how distance is only a physical barrier and whether it is possible to visit Overthere prior to death> learn what causes deep-etched memories and the danger of denying communication. See how to purify your mind before sleep and learn the three approaches to sould travel. Examine the need for descretion. View those acts recorded in your Book of Judgment. See the two ways to view your Akashic Records and how to tell if you are on the wrong track. Learn why solitude is so important when experimenting and a frew "praactical" hints. Travel to when Earth is shadowland.


LESSON 12, THE “HOW” OF AUTOMATIC WRITING, LESSON 13, DEVELOPING CLAIRAUDIENCE AND CLAIRVOYANCE, and LESSON 14, THE HUMAN AURA: Much of your studies to this point have given you "overviews" of various psychic talents. These three lessons embark you upon an in-depth training into several of these impotant skills. You will develop the needed skills and experience to continue your travels through Degree Lessons — with a better understanding of what territory you’ve already covered and be better prepared for what lies ahead.


LESSON 15 and 16, HOW PRACTICALLY TO PRACTICE THE LOVE OF THE DIVINE IN THE HUMAN WORLD- PARTS I and II: You will discover your highest spiritual aspiration. Examine whether reading alone can give illumination. See how not doing everything you attempt perfectly is not unique. Learn why there is always hope for you. View the true service life motivation and the "scientific" manner of spiritual development. Examine whether Bible accounts and Ancient Wisdom agree. See why the basic virtues of all religions are alike. Understand why love is the greates thing in the world and love's sub-law. You will discover how energy produced by human love is used and how wide the embrace of soul love is. Learn when disaster can be a blessing and the true function of your soul. Learn why you can never be seperated from the love of God. See why you must be both a good giver and receiver. A supplemental lesson on using the elements for meditation is included in this lesson.


LESSONS 17 and 18, THE WISDOM OF THE ANCIENTS — PARTS I and II: Travel to the ancient schools of the Mysteries. See if the Mysteries of God belong to only one ethnic group. Learn why the Christ Substance is for all who’ll receive it and when you are truly a “child of God.” Discover why the power of God is both universal and individual. Examine another supplemental lesson on “Attaining Perfection.” View when your search as a disciple ends. Travel to the beginnings of esoteric Christianity and compare the macrocosmic universe with the microcosm human. You will learn the purpose of the silent chant.


Additional lessons in the Fifth Degree include, Jesus-Man, Myth or Mystic Chris- Parts I and II, the Sacrifice of the Great Christ Spirit, Beyond the Mists of Mystery and conclude with a special monograph- You, Astara, and the Ladder of your Life.



We’ll never know how much “modern science” was lost or delayed because many of those early scientists didn’t have the courage and determination to continue. By already completing the Fourth Degree you’ve shown a great deal of dedication and determination. By continuation of your studies, your contributions can be endless.

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