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Highlights of the Third Degree Lessons


Life has often been described as nothing more than a game. On the surface this seems like a pleasant enough description. Games have always been and always will be popular. But unlike card or board games, the stakes in your life are much higher. You’ve certainly got much more to gain. But there’s also a lot more of value you can lose if you “don’t play your cards right.” If life is indeed a game, it might be compared to the jigsaw puzzle. Countless aspects of your personality, emotions, feelings, health, experiences, etc., make up the thousands of pieces you must put together to make your life complete. And there are few things as frustrating as buying a jigsaw puzzle only to find at least one important piece is missing. Well, suppose we compare Astara’s Degree Lessons to a puzzle. In life, as in puzzle working, as you travel along, the puzzles get harder and harder. Often this is by choice. So in a way, by studying the Degree Lessons, completion of each degree represents completion of yet another puzzle. But unlike a puzzle, we don’t just give you a box cover to look at while solving the mystery. We give you all the pieces in such a way that guarantees that, with dedicated attention on your part, you’ll complete the step.


Lesson 2, Eidolon — The Etheric Double, and Lesson 3, Charging the Eidolon Battery: Examine how the human is a seven-fold universe. Experience

the formation of the casual oversoul. See why initiates live in two worlds. Discover how the archetypal soul pattern is made. Visit your etheric double. Examine the composition of the etheric body. Learn the nadis, chakras and eidolon and their functions. Unravel the mystery of the stigmata phenomenon and see how eidolon links mind and matter. Discover the fifth ether and the causative life force. Learn how prana is manipulated. View the unfolding of the sixth and seventh senses. Examine telepathy as the New Age method of communication. Is old age necessary? Discover the good and evil of hypnotism. See if ghosts are “real.” Learn the method for recharging your human battery. View Astara as a magnetized center and see how the White Light can be concentrated.


Lesson 4, Science Discovers the “Other” World, and Lesson 5, When the World Was Young: Discover if your senses can uncover unseen worlds. Examine “reality.” Can it be tested? See how the spirit penetrates matter. View the adaptable “clothing of spirit.” Learn how antimatter makes up the substance of inner dimensions. Consider the riddles of Creation. Discover the evasive fifth force. See if astral substance contains matter and understand the law of correspondences. View life’s cosmic fuel. Visit the waiting worlds of space. Travel to when the world was just getting started as we know it. Compare spirit to matter. See the destiny of each. Discover whether death is a natural law. View the purpose for ones being. Learn how the invisible creates the visible. Examine the mystery of the “breath of life.” Probe infinity and the continuing search for the mysteries.


Lesson 6, Why The Human Being?, and Lesson 7, Spanning Eternity: You’ll compare the mystic with the materialist. Discover the true source of matter. See the human being as an infant angel. Discover the changing face of faith. Learn God’s real masterpiece. View the Scroll of Destiny. Experience your inner imprisoned splendor and the cycle of divine substance. Consider the true philosophy of death and God’s relationship to matter. See the mystery of transformation and the ultimate graduation. Sense how both the visible and invisible are seeds in the realm of cause and effect. Experience the human being as the divine seed. Know the true source of humankind’s problems. Travel to when science discovered im-

mortality. See why humankind’s intuition reaches heavenward. See how your seven senses are organized and your place in the planes of life. Learn the three basics of the invisible world.


Lesson 8, The Undiscovered Country, and Lesson 9, Death on Trial: You’ll gather a complete understanding of the mansions and how a place can be prepared for you in another dimension. You’ll travel to the Milky Way and to Paradise. You’ll compare the philosophy of Plato and Socrates. See how cosmic currents are God’s bloodstream. Learn why spirit goes beyond time and space. Experience the ultimate reality and learn what creates spiritual spheres. See what forms the Earth’s aura. Discover how humans and planet evolve through the cosmic economy. Consider whether death is friend or foe. Explore the mysteries of death. See why in death only the conscious mind is affected. View numerous afterlife theories. Learn the Astarian view of eternal punishment. Experience why humankind fears death through misunderstanding and thus suffers. Is mind in the brain? Travel along the expanding spiral of rebirths.


Lesson 1O, Thanatology — The Science of Death, and Lesson 11, The Journey of Every Human Being: Enter the fourth dimension and see the human as the human atom. Learn of soul preparation for death and the hidden blessings of seniority. See how the soul is molded and the rapture of Second Birth. Travel to where “The Bardo” begins. Travel humanity’s three pathways. Learn of our self-formed magnetic webs of rebirth. View the soul’s metempsy-chosis. Experience the electromagnetic quality of love and hate. Travel to the inevitable rendezvous with your destiny. Learn how to use your mind as a mirror of your inner self. View the first phase of Bardo. Explore the mystery of agelessness. See how death leads to real life. Examine those who are the “ dark-centered souls.” Visit with the waiting ones in Heaven.


Lesson 12, What It Feels Like to Die, and Lesson 13, Bardo and the Clear Light: Visit with those qualified to describe what it’s like to die and examine it as the ultimate experience. Travel to where cosmic reality begins and walk along the Light-Road to Paradise. Investigate the science of the White Light and see how mental floodgates are opened. See how intuition is your light to inner worlds. Learn God’s divine alphabet. Consider the ultimate impact of suicide on your soul’s progress. Is Karma the “fair executor?” Explore the value of understanding the Bardo completely. See why death is a part of life. Know when soul knowledge is mandatory. Review what’s kept in your subconscious files. Travel to the Transition Valley of the Bardo. See why light is your greatest gift. Reap the sure reward of your efforts. Know why love is the unchanging way. View the final examination time for your soul and learn why love is stronger than death.


Lesson 14, The Science of Deathbed Repentance, and Lesson 15, The Three Phases of the Bardo: Examine the ageless question of why we are here. Review your montage of life. Travel the 49 days of the beginning of the Bardo. See the guiding force of Karma. View Sangsara and the wheel of your birth and death. Discover why preparation for death is ageless. Learn the real purpose of last rites and rituals. See what lone thing can dissolve Karma. Experience the wisdom-founded law of substitution and the Light of Saving Grace. What is conscience? Travel to the Pilgrim’s Paradise. Decide if the divine judgement is really fair. Discover when humans receive aid from the wayshowers. See where visions originate. View the purpose of divine detachment. Can divine mercy be doubted?


Lesson 16, The Valley of the Judgement, and Lesson 17, Going Forth Into the Light: See how free will is humankind’s unique gift. Travel to

our moral universe. Discover how the soul authors your akashic records. See how we create our own Hell. Is there really a “devil” for each of us? Review how these are your schooldays. Learn how environment follows the impact of heredity. Consider the real price of using hallucinatory drugs. Visit with those who forecast your life. See why living well means dying well. Review why the home is meant to be a place for sharing. Discover the value of talismanic guidance. Compare clinical vs. biological death. Participate in the ritual of appeal to Seventh Ray persons.


Final pieces in your Third Degree puzzle include Astara’s Book of the Dead, The Day After Death, Wonders of the Waiting World and the Reality of Etheria.


As you can see, Astara has spent years collecting the numerous pieces necessary to complete the various puzzles in your life. But unlike the jigsaw or crossword puzzle, we show you how the pieces go together. Your dedication to the studies is your contribution. So fill out the enclosed continuation form today, insuring that you always remain “in the running” in the game of life.

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