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Highlights of the Second Degree Lessons


Imagine if Astara’s Degree Lessons were available in high school health classes, college anatomy classes or even your doctor’s office.

Maybe in the future. But for now it just isn’t likely. Why?

Mainly because these teachings offer lessons from Ancient Wisdom.They dare to challenge the traditional views of how and why your body works. They teach you to look at what you are in a way you may never have before. These deep teachings will lead you to ask why are there so many hospitals filled with unhealthy people and why are there so many doctors treating so many sick people?


Lesson 2, HUMAN BEING — Animal or Child-God?, and Lesson 3, Roots of the Tree of Knowledge: Let your spinal column be your staircase to unlocking the mysteries of the physical frame. See the importance of the spinal column dating as far back as the ancient Egyptians. Travel the spinal causeway with eight important steps. Learn of the role bones play in immortality. Discover the sympathetic nervous system’s value to the astral body. View the conscious mind’s impressions on the subconscious. Learn to deal with phobias, complexes and inhibitions. Discover your built-in communication system. See the caduceus. Experience the transcendental power of love.


Lesson 4, The Holy Breath, and Lesson 5, The Sphinx Within: Travel the Rivers of Light. Learn of the Nadis and the science of the magnetic fluid. Experience the magnificent power of the Holy Breath. See the magnetic fluid as White Light. Learn how nerve fluid affects healing and follows your thoughts. Compare the etheric body to astral-mental bodies. Learn to purify your breath and practice Tummo. Consider your individual Book of Judgement. Travel the route of the seed atom. Probe the meaning of the mystical death and reading

the akashic records.


Lesson 6, HUMAN BEING — Master of Destiny or Victim of Fate, and Lesson 7, Queen Pituitary and Her Fallen Lord, Pineal: Medical science’s study of the endocrines is common compared to esoteric studies. Learn the endocrine’s involvement in healing, emotions, the chakras, carnal habits.

View the reconciliation between the physiological and the mystical. These Lessons describe why you are the “living philosopher’s stone.” Recognize the pituitary as the queen of your inner world and the wonder of the pineal gland as king. Peer through your spiritual telescope to unveil the real YOU.


Lesson 8, The Birth of the Third Eye, and Lesson 9, Treasures on the Tree of Life: Your glands aren’t merely physical — but have etheric counterparts. You have a true heart center. Your All-Seeing Eye is the cosmic viewer within you. The Third Eye plays a major role in healing. Experience its unfolded powers. You live your life simultaneously in three worlds. Lama Yoga has a distinct relationship to the Third Eye. Certain glands affect your spiritual development. Experience the difference between fact and fantasy.


Lesson 10, The Body of Karma and Its Life - Force, and Lesson 11, Sight — The Soul-Sense of HUMAN KIND: The importance of the liver and solar plexus chakra in your desires. The legend of Prometheus is based on fact. The lifeforce of the body of karma. The healthy aura versus the depleted aura. How can the atom be both divine and human? What is the Light of the Body? There is a science to seeing through ether and the eye ray. You “see” deeply with your consciousness, moreso than with your eyes. The ancients healed through sight and the eye ray. Includes suggestions to improve your sight.


Lesson 12, The Cave of the Heart, and Lesson 13, Initiation and the Saving Blood: Enter the heart — your inner pyramid — and consider the very

important seed atom there. Ponder humanity’s record of destiny and its karmic connection to the seed atom in the heart. Heart-thinking as the way to salvation. The development of empathy is a natural “by-product” of Self-realization. The cosmic loneliness for all initiates and seekers of light. Begin step four of Lama Yoga. Your blood’s composition and its energy potential affects your emotions.


Lesson 14, Healing and the Blood, and Lesson 15, The Science of Salvation: Pranic ether’s relationship to healing and the subconscious mind. Your ancestral blood. The impact of the influences from “outer space” on our bodies. The Mysterious “seed of destruction.” God versus the “stupendous accident of creation.” “Back to the beginning” where there is but abstract space. The path of the five celestial rivers and the great central sun. The absorption of the Divine substance to transform you into your godself.


Additional Lessons in the Second Degree include: Salvation and Mystic Christianity; Immortality and the Second Birth; The Brain — Humankind’s Built-in Computer; Mind — The Human Maker; The Human Being — The Miracle Maker; Antahkarana — The Tree of Immortality; Approaching Initiation; and Lesson

1 of the Third Degree, Sevenfold Person. No, you won’t likely find these Lessons in high school health classes, college anatomy classes, or in your doctor’s office, either. But that’s just as well because this knowledge isn’t for everyone. It’s for a special person — a seeker like you. Someone looking for real answers to life’s mysteries and control over that life.

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